Command to turn off the computer after 1 hour. Timed computer shutdown

Computer processing of large amounts of data requires time, which a busy person does not have in abundance. Some operations, such as: rendering video, checking the system with an antivirus, downloading files from the Internet, are performed without user intervention, but not all programs can offer the function of shutting down the system in automatic mode.

Many ordinary users are wondering: how to perform automatic shutdown computer by analogy with the off timer on household appliances ( washing machine, microwave, etc.)? In our article, we will consider the main options for enabling this mode with standard tools and using a third-party software in Windows 7 and 10.

The ability to automatically turn off the computer was provided in advance in the earliest Windows operating systems. This method involves working with the main system interface - the command line. It is universal for any version of Windows and is the easiest to use.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the menu "Start/Programs/Accessories" and choose a program "Command line" or enter the name in the search bar.
  1. Enter the command in the console "shut down". Help will appear on the screen, indicating the options and their corresponding arguments.

For a normal shutdown of the computer, we will use two arguments:

  • "/s"- shutdown of the PC;
  • "/t"‒ countdown timer to complete the task (specified in seconds).
  1. For example, you need the computer to finish its work in half an hour. Without leaving the console, we write the command "shutdown -s -t 1800" and press "Enter".

Attention! The command must be without quotes.

Immediately after activating the computer's auto-shutdown on the panel Windows controls the remaining time appears.

  1. To cancel this action, enter through the command line « shutdown-a".

There is a more simplified way to activate this mode without resorting to entering characters in the console. To do this, in the search menu bar "Start" prescribe "shutdown -s -t (time in seconds)" and confirm the action with the key « Enter».

Disabling the computer's auto-shutdown on Windows is done in a similar way.

Using the Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler is a standard Windows tool that can be useful if you have scheduled your computer to turn off at a specific time and date. It is also used for interval (regularly repeated) actions. For example, you want your computer to turn itself off every day at 5:00 pm or restart every 12 hours.

As an example, we will show how to set the computer to automatically turn off at 17:00 every day.

To use the scheduler, you need:

  1. Go to "Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools or "Programs/Accessories/Utilities" and run "Task Scheduler". Even easier is to write this name in the search bar in Start.

In the window that opens, create a simple task by clicking on the button of the same name.

  1. The task creation wizard will open, which consists of several steps. First, you need to come up with a name. We will write "Auto Shutdown". After we press "Further".

  1. In the "Trigger" item, you must specify the interval for starting the task. We choose "Daily".

In the same place, you need to specify the time and date of the trigger.

  1. On the menu "Action" the user specifies the process to occur after the trigger is enabled. We need a parameter "Run the program".

  1. The name of the program - « shutdown". In the field for arguments we write «- s-f"(separated by a space without quotes).

In the last window, we can double-check the conditions and parameters we specified and click the button "Ready".

Automatic shutdown computer will happen at the specified time, regardless of the operation being performed, workload, or other conditions. This method is useful as a safety net (if a person forgot to turn off the PC at the workplace) or parental control (limit the time children spend in front of the monitor).

AnvideLabs shutdown timer

After standard Windows tools, we turn to an overview of the small and easiest to manage Shutdown Timer utility from the domestic developer AnvideLabs. It is characterized by its minimalism, practicality and unification with all Windows, including seven and ten. Software in free access and in Russian.

To start using the program:

  1. Enter the address of the developer's website in the browser line and download the program.

  1. In the window of the running program, the user can choose an action, ranging from the usual shutdown of the PC to disabling the mouse, keyboard, and even the Internet connection. The condition for triggering the program is indicated below. At the bottom there is a timer for entering the exact time the action will start. Here you can activate the countdown.

  1. Like last time, we will set the computer to automatically turn off at 17:00. Enter the time and press the green button. The countdown has begun.

By clicking on the cross on the right upper corner the utility is minimized to tray and does not interfere with work.


  • Russian-language interface and minimalist style.
  • Several actions available.
  • Completely free.
  • The timer is password-locked at the discretion of the administrator.
  • Suitable for Win 7 and 10.


  • It is not possible to schedule auto-shutdown by date or set its interval.

TimePC alarm clock

Next program on the review - TimePC, developed by the administration of the site This decision compares favorably with the previous one due to the presence of a scheduler and the ability to not only turn off, but also turn on the PC at a given time. The program is extremely simple and functional at the same time. It can be called the "golden mean" between multifunctional harvesters and miniature "plugs".

In order to acquire the TimePC program, we do the following:

  1. We go to the site and find an article with its description and a link to download. Download and install software on PC.

  1. TimePC signals the launch with a sound greeting and immediately takes us to the settings menu.

  1. We are primarily interested in the item "Off / On PC". Here you can choose between going into hibernation mode or exiting it. The trigger start is set by time and date.

  1. Of greatest interest is the built-in scheduler. In it, you can specify an action for each day of the week. It's disappointing that you can't set an interval here - it's either missing or infinite.

  1. In the window "Launching Programs" it is possible to bind a specific action to turning on the computer. For example, you can add autostart programs or ringtones as an alarm clock.


  • Wide functionality.
  • There is an action planner.
  • You can hibernate the system and wake it up.
  • Binding a trigger for launching programs or files.
  • Russian-language interface.
  • Completely free software.


  • IN system requirements Windows 10 is not listed (however works on it).
  • The structure of the utility is decentralized - there is no single main window.

switch off

Multifunctional program Switch Off from Airytec has a lot of settings and provides a lot of options for managing your computer. This manager is a great alternative standard means Windows. The program is free, has convenient control and a clear description of the buttons.

To work with the program you need:

  1. Download full version distribution kit Switch Off from the site and install it on a PC.

  1. Running program minimizes to tray. The custom task is managed by clicking on the program icon with the left mouse button. The schedule item is responsible for the PC auto-shutdown condition and can be enabled at any interval (daily, weekly, once, etc.).

The action item allows you to select one of the available functions. Of great interest is the parameter "Predefined Commands", where you can specify any command and bind it to a time or event.

  1. The task management menu is opened by pressing the right mouse button and contains the same commands, but with parameters predefined by the developers.

The screenshot above shows the variety of conditions implemented in Switch Off for only one task from the list.


  • Complete freedom in system management: run any task at any time with any number of repetitions.
  • The possibility of a planned disconnection from the Internet.
  • Very simple program structure.
  • The interface is completely in Russian.
  • There is a command editor.
  • Free software.
  • Support for 32 and 64-bit systems.


  • The interface is entirely implemented in the form of taskbar context menus, which is not very informative.
  • Doesn't officially support Windows 10 (but works).

What to use?

Today we told you about how to set up automatic shutdown of the computer using Windows tools and using utilities downloaded from the Internet. This function relevant for everyone, without exception, in the office and at home. The only question is how to do it.

In our article, we have given many ways to implement PC auto-shutdown. All of them are good, but some may be more or less suitable for a particular person.

If the user has experience with the Windows system and knows how to configure it, then it will be preferable for him to manage auto-shutdown through the standard CMD console and the task scheduler. The advantage of this solution is that there is no need to download and install third-party programs, as well as wide functionality Windows Scheduler.

For inexperienced and unpretentious people, we advise you to choose the "Shutdown Timer" and TimePC. Small functionality is compensated by the presence of a clear description and fairly convenient control.

For everyone else who doesn't want to dig into control panels but needs to fine-tune the system, we recommend using Switch Off. A large list of preset tasks, a new task constructor, and a command editor make this nondescript utility a professional manager.

Some users need to configure the computer to turn off according to time or even on scheduled days at certain hours. The reasons can be different, and the most banal one is that you already start watching some movie at night and don’t want the computer to work until the morning if you suddenly fall asleep :) The same function is used by some on TVs and all for the same reason.

And the most interesting thing is that such a function in a computer is far from being on the surface. It seems that a computer is such an omnipotent device, but such a banal function is somewhere tucked away that a beginner will not find it!

So, in this article, you will learn how to use a simple command in Windows consoles you can set the computer to turn off after a certain number of seconds, as well as how to set the computer to turn off by time on certain days!

Beginners should not be afraid of the words "Console", "Command line" and the like, since we are not talking about programming and other complex tasks! I'll show you an example and you'll understand...

So, now we will consider 2 ways to turn off the computer in time:

    Simple shutdown of the computer after a specified number of seconds;

    Turn off the computer on the specified day and time.

How to set a timer to turn off the computer?

To accomplish this task, we only need the Windows command line.

In any operating system, you can quickly find the command line through the search. For example, in Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, open the Start menu and type "cmd" in the search box at the bottom. The Command Prompt application appears in the list.

If you have Windows 8, then also open "Start", then click on the search icon on the right:

In the field that appears, type "cmd", and the Command Prompt program will immediately appear in the search results:

And finally, if you have the latest development from Microsoft - Windows 10, then the default search icon will be located right next to the Start button. Click on it, enter "cmd" and you will see the "Command Prompt" application:

To complete our task, administrator rights may be required, and therefore, in order not to look for the reason why the timer shutdown may not work, we will run the command line as an administrator. To do this, click right click click on the program icon and select "Run as administrator":

You should have a black window open. command line, which looks like this:

Please note that if you have in this window instead of the path " C:\Windows\system32' specifies the path to the user's folder (for example, ' C:\Users\John”), it means that you started the command line not as an administrator, but as ordinary user! In this case, it is better to close it and open it again as an administrator.

After the command line has been launched, it remains to correctly register one command and you're done!

Shutdown command is used to shut down and restart the computer at the Windows command prompt.

We type the following on the command line:

Where 3600 is the number of seconds after which your computer will shut down. If you now press the "Enter" button on your keyboard, your computer will be turned off in 1 hour, since one hour is exactly 3600 seconds. It is very easy to calculate :) We know that there are 60 seconds in one minute, and since these minutes are also 60 in an hour, we multiply 60 by 60 and get 3600. For example, 1 hour 20 minutes is 4800 seconds.

Now with regard to these characters "/s" and "/t".

These are the 2 options I specified for the shutdown command. The "/s" parameter means that the computer should just shut down, and not restart or simply log out. For example, to reboot, you need to specify “/ r” instead of “/ s”. Parameter "/t" - allows you to set the time before the command is triggered. For example, if we specified a command without "/t", i.e. like this "shutdown / s", then the computer would turn off instantly.

Now, I think you understand everything. Just specify your time before turning off the computer and press the "Enter" key!

The command line window will close and the countdown will start immediately. This will give you a warning message, for example:

A warning of this format is issued when only a few minutes are left before the computer is turned off.

But if you set a long timer, for example, for an hour or more, then when you start it, you will simply receive a notification in the system area:

If you suddenly decide to cancel the action of the timer, then you need to enter the command line again and execute the following command there and press "Enter":

At the same time, you will receive a notification in the system area that the scheduled shutdown has been canceled:

This is what it looks like simple circuit turn off the computer on a timer.

And now let's consider a more interesting option - how to postpone turning off the computer for a certain day and a specified time.

How to set the computer to turn off at the right day and time?

To implement this possibility, we need system utility Task Scheduler and Notepad.

Through the scheduler Windows tasks you can schedule the execution of any program on a specific day and time, and even set a recurring task for different periods, for example, daily, weekly.

There is only one catch: through the scheduler, it will not be possible to open the command line, as it was done, and write a shutdown command there. This is because we need some kind of file to run, which can be specified in the scheduler and which will contain the command to turn off the computer.

This issue is very easy to solve! You need to open notepad, write “shutdown / s / t 000” there, resave Text Document to a file with the extension ".bat" (for example, "Shutdown.bat"), then point to given file in the task scheduler.

Now let's take a closer look, point by point:

    We open windows notepad. It is available by default in any Windows system and can be found in the Start menu, in the Accessories category, or by Windows search and typing "Notepad".

    In notepad write: shutdown /s /t 000.

    Here, using the “shutdown” command, we indicated the action to shutdown / restart the computer or log off the system.

    With the “/s” parameter, we specify the action - to perform exactly shutting down the PC!

    With the “/t” parameter, we specify a timer before shutdown - 0 seconds, which means that the computer will turn off instantly without delay.

    Here's how it should turn out:

    Resave the notepad file to a file with the “.bat” extension. To do this, in Notepad, click File > Save As.

    In the save window, specify the location where the file with the command to turn off the computer will be stored, after which we specify any file name, but so that it must be “.bat” at the end, and not “.txt”:

    For example, like mine - "Shutdown.bat". The name before ".bat" can be anything!

    If you saved the file correctly, it will look like this in the system:

    If it looks like a regular text document, then most likely you forgot to specify the ".bat" extension when saving, and therefore do this step again.

    What is this BAT file? A file with the extension ".bat" allows you to execute one by one windows commands one after the other, and various scripts. In our case, only one command is registered - turn off the computer immediately.

    Open the task scheduler and set up the launch of the created Bat-file.

    The task scheduler is also built into everything by default. Windows systems and you can find it by searching, or through the control panel: "Control Panel"\u003e "System and Security"\u003e "Administrative Tools".

    This is what the task scheduler looks like:

    In it on the right, in the "Actions" window, open the item "Create a simple task":

    The scheduled task setup wizard will open, where you need to go through several steps. In the first window that appears, enter the name of the task, for example, "Turn off the computer" and click "Next":

    In the next step, you need to mark when the scheduled task will be performed? It depends on when you want to turn off your computer. For example, you can set the task to run daily, and then you will need to specify the execution time. You can set up a weekly shutdown and then you can select specific days and times to complete the task.

    And if you just want to set up a one-time shutdown of the computer on a specific day and time, then select the “Once” item.

    Now, depending on which shutdown period you have set to previous step, you will need to specify the month / days / time of shutdown. If you specified a one-time execution of the task ("Once"), then you need to select only the day and time to turn off.

    You can specify the date manually with numbers or select using the calendar.

    After setting the date and time of shutdown, click on the "Next" button:

    In the next step, select an action for the task. We mark "Run the program" and click "Next":

    In the next window, select our created file with the “.bat” extension, where the shutdown command is laid. Click on the "Browse" button and select this file on your hard drive, then click "Next":

    In the last window, mark the item marked in the image below and click "Finish":

    This option means that after clicking "Finish", an additional window of properties for the created task will open. We need this to enable the execution of the program with administrator rights.

    A window will open in which on the first tab "General" we mark the item "Run with highest rights" below and click "OK":

All! The scheduled task has been created. Now, as soon as the date and time you specified arrive, the computer will immediately turn off.

If you suddenly want to change any parameters of the scheduled task, then open the task scheduler again, select "Task Scheduler Library" in the left part of the window, right-click on the task you created in the list in the center, and select "Properties" from the menu that opens :

A window will open where on several tabs you can change all the settings that you configured!

In this way, you can set the computer to turn off by time (timer), as well as schedule a shutdown for any day and time, and even set up a regular task execution. I'm sure this feature will be useful to someone.

See you in the next posts :)

Have you ever fallen asleep to a movie running on your laptop or run away from work forgetting to turn off your desktop? If in the case of a movie session, this is only a problem of a dead battery, then in the case of work, it is also a matter of security and compliance with the Non-Disclosure Agreement (remember, you signed such a piece of paper without looking at the transition to a new position). How to make the computer turn off after certain time, rid yourself of pangs of conscience and sleep peacefully?

Task Scheduler

If you need to automatically turn off the computer on a schedule, but there is no administrator access, and install third party program no, we use this method.

  1. We go to "Start" and in the search bar we type "Task Scheduler";
  2. Launch the "Task Scheduler" application, go to the "Actions" menu and select the "Create a simple task" option;
  3. A new task creation window has appeared in front of you. Assign a name to it, for example "Timer". Click "Next";
  4. On the "Trigger" tab, specify the frequency of the task repetition. For a working desktop, the “Daily” option will be optimal. Click "Next";
  5. Specify the date from which you want to perform the task and the shutdown time (let's say 19:30). Opposite "repeat every" set 1 day. We pass "Next";
  6. On the "Action" tab, check the box next to "Run a program" and "Next". In the program search window, click "Browse" and enter "shutdown.exe" in the search box.
  7. On the "Finish" tab, check the settings. Click "Finish" - a new task has been added to the schedule.

Advantage this method- the possibility of setting it up, linking the shutdown to a specific event in Windows log. But for "one-time" use, you can choose an easier way.

We create TimeON.bat. Fast way before bed

Are you launching a new movie but not sure if you'll make it to the end credits? It is worth taking care of the computer in advance. We make blanks.

  1. Calling context menu right-click on the desktop - "Create" - "Text Document";
  2. Paste into a text document

shutdown /s /t X

Where X is the number of seconds before automatic shutdown. For an average film, 5400 (90 minutes) is enough;

  1. From the "File" menu, select the "Save As" action. In the save window, set the file type to "All files" and assign the name "TimeON.bat". The .bat extension is a prerequisite. There is a new icon on the desktop.
  2. Double-click to run the file and see the notification "Your session will end in 90 minutes." Now you can safely fall asleep under an uninteresting film.

How to cancel the shutdown timer for Windows?

  1. To cancel the shutdown timer for Windows, create another one text file on your desktop and paste into it

shutdown /a

  1. We save it as "TimeOFF.bat" and for convenience we place a new icon next to "TimeON.bat".

Install Switch Off

If you don't want to create batch files and are confident in your antivirus, you can install one of the free programs. For example, the popular Switch Off. It takes about 20 seconds to figure it out: after installation, the Switch Off icon will appear on the desktop. You can set the period: daily, weekly or countdown. And also select a list of actions: turn off, restart, block, send to sleep.

If you are faced with such a problem as an involuntary shutdown of the computer, then you need to know the reasons for what is happening, which will tell you what to do next in order to get rid of such sudden PC shutdowns. We want to note right away that both a computer and a laptop can turn off by itself, and most importantly, some serious problems with the hardware do not always lie behind this, perhaps this is just the action of a virus. But let's talk about everything in order.

6 reasons why the computer turns off by itself

  1. Virus. One of the most common causes is a virus that causes the computer to shut down on its own without your instructions. To do this, check the entire PC for viruses.

  2. Overheating of computer components. Swipe, as a layer of dust can cause overheating, and also pay attention to coolers, they should all spin quickly.

  3. Malfunction in the power supply. Another common cause is the breakdown of the power supply, it can burn out from power surges and excessive load from the components.

  4. Malfunction in RAM. Characterized this species malfunctions in that before turning off the computer starts to freeze and slow down all functions. In order to exclude RAM from the list of reasons for turning off the computer, we recommend that you insert another one instead, and also contact specialists at the service center.

  5. Motherboard failure. Spontaneous shutdown of the PC will be caused either by a crack or chip on the motherboard, or by the burning of the capacitor. In general, this happens due to blows to the system unit or its fall, or due to the fact that motherboard has already outlived its time. We do not exclude, of course, also marriage, but it is quite rare. Again, you cannot independently determine whether the motherboard is to blame without using special equipment.

  6. Bad contact. It is quite simple to determine and fix this breakdown - check the tightness of fastening of all cords, starting from the outlet, because there may be a problem in the power filter. All plugs must be firmly inserted, both outside system block, as well as in itself.